With the end in sight for the page seventeen workload for another year, I can almost imagine some time freeing up. Except that perhaps I've already booked it.
Earlier in the year I started thinking about and doing some research for a novel, then, when things got too busy and I wasn't really making progress in the odd one-hours I'd find to myself (life with zero-year-old), I put it off. I think I always suspected November was the time to get back to it, and I've been getting a little antsy about the idea of getting struck into it properly come November.
To take advantage of this energy and good inentions, I have signed up for NaNoWriMo. In case you don't know what that means, I've committed to writing a 50,000 word novel, or that many words of one, during the thirty days that are November.
Care to join me?
Coming Soon – concrete whalesong
3 days ago
Good Luck, that sounds like a whole lotta work :-)
Sure hope this motivates you to get stuck-in. Almost wish I could do it too but a holiday seems like more fun :)
Wow. I'm busy just trying to edit my second novel, and kind of panicking because I've only got a few weeks more to do it. Love your fighting spirit, Tiggy. Huzzah!
Way to go Tiggy! If I knock off my thesis in time, I'm there with you. Does a short story anthology count?
Hey, thanks to all of you. A lotta work sure, and I could probably do with the odd encouraging message, via here, twitter or a P17 email, whatever contact you have for me...would be great.
Laurie, I reckon a short story collection would count, sure. Make sure you get that thesis done in time...go Laurie, go Laurie, go..
Thanks Tiggy! Inspirational messages are being crafted as we speak... Go Tiggy, Go Tiggy...
I will give it a go. I think....what do I do to join up?
Excellent Claire,
Just go to their home page www.nanowrimo.com and follow the prompts under 'sign up now'. be sure to add me as a buddy, my user ID is tiggy.
ooops, make that nanowrimo.org
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